Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Mr. P can indeed broken !

If you laugh with a new hoax circulating that Mr. P and broken bones have you laughing feasible, as indeed Mr. P did not and will not have bones, but if you do not believe that Mr. P can be broken, you big! Mr. P can indeed broken!

According to Yvonne Fullbright, president and CEO of Sexuality Source, Inc., says that it can happen, although very, very rare. This will be very possible if the "male genitalia in a condition ereksi goods and driven to a more hard and more rigid," said Yvonne. "This can also happen if the deal at the time, the men suddenly to puncture the movement enthusiastically hit bone and genitalia."

Male genitalia have two rooms like spons called the Corpora cavernosa. Cell membrane that covers this network can be split if there is a tremendous encouragement strong. The result? You will hear a sound 'krak' and ereksi will disappear immediately, and the pain shrieking roar-roar from the owner genitals' cracked '. Next there will be pain plus exceptional bruise along Mr. P. "Perhaps there will also be bending to one direction, and often, urethra (urine channel) will also be damaged, so it will have difficulty urinating."

If there are events like this, it is the best way to bring the men to the doctor as soon as possible, because this incident is an emergency that must be addressed immediately and get special treatment. With the help of the right, before the cell membrane and tear and injury can be saved, even the ability ereksi akan urine and can be restored. If not, there is a possibility that Mr. P akan crooked and even permanent, and can experience Erectile Dysfunction.

Prevention is a good, segila-gilanya both of you, it's good if men start 'spirited escapade' has a woman stop and calm. Bimbing and get the males to be more soft and ferocity at the time of the deal, so the risk of fracture in Mr. P can be extremely reduced. (womenshealthmag / ari) KapanLagi.com

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